Monday 18 September 2017

Biggar Ramblers Walk on 30th August was around Blacklaw Windfarm, at Climpy, Forth. The twelve walkers headed for the Covenanter's Monument near Darmead Linn. This was a place of worship for the Covenanters during the 15th and 16th centuries. A vastly different landscape is there now! The strong wind meant the huge turbines were fully operational, and swishing noises accompanied the group throughout their walk. Although fine at first, the weather deteriorated into steady rain. The leader, Agnes Gracie navigated by following the numbers on the turbies - remembering which ones denoted a change of direction! Fortunately the rain stopped by lunch time. A break was taken sitting on two long logs alongside the track. On the return route, the cloud lifted to give glimpses of the surrounding countryside. This was an enjoyable six mile walk in a different type of rural landscape.