Monday 3 September 2018

On a warm, sunny Saturday 25th August, 7 ramblers, including a visitor from Australia, set off from Selcoth, near Moffat, for a trip into the high, beautiful Moffat Hills. Following the Selcoth Burn, the party had to traverse a narrow path through a dark and fearsome ravine before successfully reaching the Southern Upland Way at the top of the glen, overlooked by the sharp, vertical escarpment of Craigmichen Scar. A narrow and undulating path led the party beneath the bulk of Capel Fell to the saddle at Ettrick Head. Here, the path became a forestry track leading eventually to the bothy at Over Phawhope. The party continued to Potburn Farm and then commenced a fairly steep but easy climb up Potburn Rig. Then, as they descended beside the Bodesbeck Burn, a magnificent panorama opened up of the hills across the Moffat Water - Saddle Yoke, Hart Fell, Swatte Fell, surrounding the deep chasm of Black Hope and looking magnificent in the afternoon sun. After reaching Bodesbeck Farm, the party returned to Selcoth by a pleasant easy route through fields. Over this section they had to ford several burns, but were rewarded with the sight of a buzzard flying slowly around the woods at Sailfoot.