Saturday 21 January 2017

On Wednesday 18th January, 6 Biggar Ramblers met to walk from Gladhouse Reservoir to Eddleston up the remote South Esk valley. The head of the valley gives access to local highest peak Dundreich at 2,044 ft. After a rapid thaw, all the snow had gone but the group startled a perfectly white mountain hare, no longer camouflaged. Its every twist and turn could be followed as it made its rapid escape through the tussocks of heather. A picnic lunch was consumed near the summit cairn. Great panoramic views could be seen but there was a cold wind so they didn't linger and made the steep descent to Boreland Farm, then across the fields into the back of Eddleston, 7.5 miles in total. It was a linear walk so the previously parked car was used to ferry drivers back to the start while the others made their way to the Scots Pine café where the group met up for well deserved tea and cakes. It was a good day out.