Monday 20 February 2017

Saturday 4th February, Wanlockhead: Southern Upland way 8 Miles

As the walkers prepared for their walk having parked in Meadowfoot at the far end of Wanlockhead their eyes were drawn to the sky as the dark grey clouds drifted over them looking foreboding as they covered the tops of the hills.
They walked down the old little-used road and felt the first drops of rain, they crossed the bridge over the heavily swollen Wanlock Waters rushing beneath.

Going up the steep zigzag path the rain had now turned to snow and became heavier as they got higher and on reaching the top they were hit by an icy cold wind. The 3 walkers made the decision to carry on over the western slopes of Glengaber (515mt) as they could still see to navigate the rough moorland path with the Southern Upland way markers but with none of the excellent slopes of Lowmill Known ( 448mt) to head down to the ruined farmstead in the floor of the valley at Cogshead
with its extensive pine plantation and here they stopped to collect a coin from the Kist.

They left the valley and started to make their way up through the trees. The weather had improved, it had stopped snowing and they sheltered from the wind and sitting out of the forest on Duntercleuch (390mt) for luch they were rewarded with extensive views into the distance of rolling hills and now on their final stretch back along a good track to the cars the clouds cleared and once again they were this time rewarded with blue skies and sunshine which brought smiles all round and announced four seasons in one day.