Monday 20 March 2017

The walk was advertised as from Innerleithen back to Peebles over the top via Lee Pen but owing to the forecast for strong headwinds from the west it was decided to do the walk in reverse. Eight walkers lead by Gerard Bakker set out from the Kingsmeadow Car Park going past the Hydro Hotel towards the Shieldgreen Centre. They left the forest road opposite Glenbield and turned right to climb up into the Glentress Forest, then turning northwards up towards the Dunslair Heights Mast. Coffee was had at the lower end of the Soonhope Craig in the open where the forest had been felled. They turned south short of the mast and then followed the wall with the shelter of the forest on the right and open country on the left. Once they had descended to Leithen Door and climbed up the other side they had a well earned lunch, found a patch free of the remains of snow drift and nestling down behind the wall for shelter. Then they were out in the open hillside with strong gusts measuring 36MPH and on towards Lee Pen. Good clear views and a rest at Lea Pen before descending to Innerleithen just in time for the bus back.