Monday 7 August 2017

On a bright breezy 30th July, 10 ramblers travelled to Nithsdale to explore the hills above the pleasant little town of Sanquhar. They started off by walking through the lovely Euchan Glen,  beside the rushing, tumbling Euchan Water. Then a nice easy stroll through fields to Glenmaddie homestead.
Here, things got serious with a tough, rough, boggy ascent to Little Hill. But after this, the ground became drier and good progress was made up the wild hillside to Mid Rig and the lunch stop just below Cloud Hill. Wide views opened up across to the Lowther Hills, with Tinto looming in the distance. As the party crested the ridge at Collar Knowe, the massive rocky face of Glenwhargen Craig came into view, several miles to the south-east. From here, the Southern Upland Way was joined which, after some undulations. led gradually downhill over the open hillside, crossing a number of wet, boggy burns, but with fine views over Sanquhar and the hills beyond. After crossing the Whing Burn, the party continued to Ulzieside Farm and back to the start.