Thursday 4 January 2018

Despite the heavy rain and strong wind earlier in the day the weather cleared to allow ten members to participate in this short walk from the hotel via the boardwalk with, on the right, the strong current in the river to Corra Linn Falls ,which, due to the recent rain were in full flood. A spectacular sight. From there it was up the steps to the hall of mirrors and the surge tank and across the field behind where two white horses were grazing, put there to keep the grass short and encourage the spread of wild flowers. Taking a left turn to the pond - very overgrown at present - to follow the path up and through the trees to meet the road above the river and the badger watch area to the junction leading back to the village. A woodpecker was seen by some of the group on this stretch. It was now becoming darker so the shorter left road was taken giving time to visit the village shop and then the tearoom for a quick tea or coffee before the guests returned to their hotel accommodation and others returned home in preparation for the 7:00pm dinner and carols.