Thursday 15 February 2018

The walk on Thursday 8th February, with seven lady members, was on the Clyde Walkway from Crossford to Garrion- a distance of approx. 7 miles. Due to the recent wet weather followed by snow it was rather muddy in places but no different from other recent walks. From the bridge at Crossford the way follows the river closely by boardwalk and gravel path and then climbs above it before dropping down via the sturdy wood steps to river level again and the path alongside the wire fenced fields. The sheep were once more out in the fields and in many places snowdrops were beginning to show. There was a short stop for a drink before reaching the private road leading to the large white house. From there follows two fairly steep inclines and drops on either side of a Carluke access road before a final drop to come alongside the river once more and into the Mauldslie estate and the fields opposite the Popinjay Hotel. Continuing under the Mauldslie Bridge and the short climb up to the woods for lunch above the river before the final section along the river and burn to meet the road. A short section on the grass verge tied to Horslea Brae then left down to Garrion Bridge. Once the bridge roundabout was negotiated there was the final short stretch on the pavement to the bus stop at Dalserf in time to catch the bus back to the cars at Crossford. There followed by a welcome coffee and cake at Silverbirch garden centre to round off the day