Saturday 16 June 2018

On a fine warm sunny 21st April, a Biggar Ramblers party assembled at the Daer Reservoir dam ready to explore the hills above the Daer Water before they are covered with wind turbines like so many other hills in the area. Following the Southern Upland Way, the party trotted briskly across the dam and then commenced a steep ascent over Sweetshaw Brae and up to the woods beyond Hods Hill. Beautiful views opened up over the Lowther and Dalveen Hills but it was impossible to ignore the mass of wind turbines looming over the hills to the north. After a mile or two, the path plunged steeply down into the forest, leading eventually to the isolated Brattleburn bothy where a number of other walkers and cyclists were encountered, and the group paused for lunch. After a well earned rest, a long slow ascent in hot sun brought them back to the edge of the woods at Ferry Crag with wonderful views across the Daer Reservoir to the hills beyond, some still sporting patches of snow in spite of the hot weather. A rough tussocky descent brought the party down to the reservoir and then an easy amble along the track back to the dam.