Thursday 13 June 2019

The day ( Sunday 26 May), Biggar Ramblers set out for another 'big hill' started wet clearing to showers but obvious there would not be any visibility on the summit. The big hill on this occasion was Cairnsmore of Carsphairn with the adjacent 'top' of Brenniner. It was a hardy 3 people that set out from The Green Well of Scotland along the farm track and in just over an hour reached the Poluse Burn just before the terrain became the steeper ascent to the summit. At around 500 to 550 metres the group entered the cloud and the wind picked up. The ascent turned into another wild flower walk with lousewort, milkwort and butterwort ( a lot of worts!). Also seen were starry saxifrage and tormentil.

Navigation was easy initially using farm track then climbing alongside a wall that led to the top. At the top the wind suddenly increased to an estimated 50 mph. Due to the conditions it was decided to omit Benniner and come off Cairnsmore over Black Shoulder and here navigation by map and compass was needed. The wind continued to make the walk uncomfortable. After crossing Dunool the wind dropped when the group left the cloud and descended to rejoin the farm track and enjoyed a late lunch. It was only a 30 minutes walk back to the Green Well and the end of a very challenging walk.