Wednesday 25 September 2019

On Sunday September 1st eight Biggar Ramblers walked from Walkerburn to Innerleithen and back. The walk began at The Coffee Spot in Walkerburn and ran north close to the Walker Burn, between upland fields and heather covered slopes, to the ruined cottage at Priesthood. Here the track turned sharply left and climbed steadily through woodland, past Pirn Craig before dropping sharply to a lower forestry road and back to Innerleithen. A heavy shower appeared from nowhere exactly at lunchtime but this did not dampen spirits, only the sandwiches. The route from Innerleithen to Walkerburn was along the banks of the River Tweed. Numerous cyclists were encountered during the day and there were many good natured exchanges. A most enjoyable 8 mile walk, led by Bernard Airlie