Sunday 17 November 2019

Report on walk on Wednesday 30th October to Chatelherault led by Isobel MacDonald.

On a bright frosty morning 13 walkers set out from the visitor centre at Chatelherault Country Park after an initial coffee and tea stop to do the circular Green Bridge walk of approx 5 miles. Due to a path closure on the far side of the River Avon the return route was altered.
The path from the visitors centre to the Green Bridge followed the walkway high above the river past the golf course with trees on either side showing their autumn colours. Once the steps down to the bridge were reached most of the group chose to go down to view the river. Two sets of ducks were seen before the climb back up to join the others.
The return route was by way of the original track but at the sign for the White Bridge the group took the downward path into the gorge to meet the one at river level. In the sunshine this was an ideal spot for lunch.
From there the walk continued giving a view of the surrounding garden wall of the house, the ruins of Cadzow Castle and the Duke's bridge before meeting the steps up to the level of the house.
From its front there were views down through the tree lined wide 'avenue' which once led to the Palace, to Hamilton and in the distance a spectacular view of the Campsie Fells with Meikle Binn, Dumgoyne, and Ben Lomond clearly in sight.