Thursday 8 April 2021

 On 25th March, Biggar Ramblers set out on a short walk up and over Shaw Hill, a hill climb to 370 metres. The route up started from the Nisbet side with grand views over to Cardon Hill and Coulter Fell. Over the top of Shaw Hill there are views towards Tinto and Biggar. To reach the look-out point for the coffee break the route doubled back through a tree tunnel for views up the valleys to Cardon and Coulter Fell. Much refreshed, but braced by the winds, the group took a steep path down through the trees to join a track through the woodlands to the Church. 

The marks of bike paths crossing this track from the uphill side indicate the challenging descents that the cyclists have developed. Most visitors start from this woodland side of the hill, where, helpfully, there are two signs: the first says ‘Walkers! Please be aware of incoming cyclists. Thank You’ and the second ‘Cyclists! Please give way to passing walkers and dogs. Thank You’. Very wise! 

After reaching the Church, the group passed the Commonwealth War Graves and headed along the road to Keepers Cottage to take the ‘Chinese Walk’ for a pleasant meander along Coulter Water back to the cars.  

The gloomy weather and strong winds discouraged lingering, but the good mix of open views and sheltered paths through the trees made for an enjoyable walk.