Sunday 27 February 2022

Keeping near to home, Biggar Ramblers did a 6 mile circular walk on 16th January out to Biggar Common. Starting from Burnbraes car park they headed up to Hillridge Farm and then followed the right of way over to Huntfield. Half way up the hill there’s a stile to climb and then the route heads over towards the plantation. It was a lovely sunny day and the views were splendid, opening out over to Black Mount, Broughton Heights, Cardon Hilll and Culter Fell. As they walked through these fields the walkers were very mindful of the livestock, especially since ewes are pregnant at this time of year. Once in the plantation, the route passed through the trees to a pond, coming back out to the open hill further west. Lunch was taken sitting on the edge of an old quarry, with views over to Tinto.  The walkers then went down the hill to the woods just north west of Langlees Farm and followed the road to Lindsaylands, back to Burnbraes via the Gas Works. This was a very enjoyable walk in weather totally unexpected for mid-January!