Monday 13 June 2022

Biggar Ramblers did a circular 7 mile walk on Sunday 8th May to climb Penvalla Hill. This is not a high summit – 547metres – but as with many hills in the Stobo area, there are 360o views of Tinto, Culter Fell and more.  Starting from Stobo Village Hall, the 14 walkers followed the track past Home Farm to join the John Buchan Way as far as the ridge between Hammer Knowe and Hammer Rig where they struck off north up Mid Hill and then Penvalla, with short stretches of steep climb.


The weather was grand and the group enjoyed the views opening up along the valley. The skylarks were in full song and so was a cuckoo from a stand of Scots Pine to the right of the JB Way. The walkers enjoyed lunch on the top, just off the summit to avoid the wind. The circular route meant descending via Huskie Rig, with a steep ‘off piste’ stretch over moss, heather and grass back to the path on the western side of Harrow Hope. They then crossed the valley via deer paths to join the track along the eastern side of the valley, just below the stone sheep fold. Along that path, wet in places from hill run off, they saw large numbers of primroses and surprised a couple of sun-bathing lizards. After reaching the ruined shepherd’s cottage by the ford, they rejoined the stone track back to the car park. Altogether an enjoyable energising walk in our lovely countryside!