Wednesday 20 July 2022

 On 11th June Biggar Ramblers explored a series of recently opened routes with interpretation boards by the Logan Burn and around Worm Hill. They followed tracks to an iron age fort and visited the ruins of a 16th Century Bastle house or fortified farmhouse, built to keep livestock safe against Border Reivers. It is believed that the homestead was occupied until the 18th Century when it was abandoned during the clearances. At this site another interpretation board drew their attention to signs of the Talla Reservoir Pipeline route which took water to Edinburgh at the beginning of the 20th Century.  


Leaving the relative shelter of the homestead, the group braved the strong winds and headed off up the East Grain valley to Macfumart Head on the slopes of Worm Hill. The track follows part of the old drove road from Tweedsmuir to Biggar and took the walkers up to the saddle between Blakehope Head and Worm Hill. Indeed it was tempting to continue the exploration in the Biggar direction, but perhaps in more clement weather as the sun was banished by sporadic sharp showers that came on with strong gusts of wind. From this high saddle, they turned back along a track down the shoulder of the hill back to the start. At this point, re-reading the interpretation board was useful to confirm the various historical points.


The Tweedsmuir community has worked together with landowners and Biggar Archaeological Society to apply for funds from Scottish Borders Council and Windfarms to develop these routes. The verdict of the walkers was that this was very worthwhile and made an already outstanding area of great scenery even more interesting by providing clues of its historical past. And it’s not far from The Wee Crook. Take a look when you get the chance.