Saturday 24 June 2023

Turkey Hill Walk

 Biggar Ramblers headed up Turkey Hill and back down via Girdle Burn valley on 24th June. Starting from Snaip Bridge they followed the track that climbs steadily to Coulter mast. There’s been a lot of logging in this area over the last winter which means a ‘new’ valley is in now sight where some rather puny indigenous trees might have a chance to grow more strongly. The stretch of trees past the mast is also reduced, opening out to the fields where the track heads off more steeply up to the ridge. From this point there are good views over to Tinto, the Clyde, and the north-west. After a coffee break, the walkers continued along the ridge to the Turkey Hill Cairn (489m), through rough terrain for the final part of the ascent. From this height there are even better 360-degree views: extensive and definitely worth the effort!
The group returned down the track into the valley, finding the way severely eroded in one place and very overgrown in others! After a relaxing lunch, they continued their descent along the valley side to join the Birthwood road, where there’s a short walk back to the cars. The walking conditions were ideal, with a breeze, some cloud, some sun and a wee bit rain, affording a pleasant atmosphere for this midsummer walk!