Wednesday 9 August 2023

Minch Moor via the Cheese Well

 Twelve members of the Biggar Ramblers met at the Traquair Village Hall car park to climb to the top of
Minch Moor via the Cheese Well. The climb is straightforward on good woodland tracks up a steady
gradient for over 2 miles. As the woods cleared the views over the Tweed valley opened up. A helpfully
located bench indicated that this would be a good place for a refreshment stop. A hillside crop of large
ovals cut into the heather and undergrowth added an item of interest. Before reaching the trigpoint on
top of Minch Moor the group passed the Cheese Well by a trickling Burn. It is a local tradition to leave
small pieces of cheese here for the fairies to ensure a safe journey. So not to offend the fairies the group
did leave a small amount of cheese in the burn. The summit afforded great 360 degree views over to
Hundleshope Heights range to the west and the Eildon Hills to the east. Taking different tracks
downwards through the purple heather, small sprigs of white heather were spied as well as many other
examples of interesting flora growing wild along the route. Returning to the valley floor via Camp Shiel
and the Fingland Burn to the main road it was just a short walk back to the start point. In near perfect
walking conditions the 6.5 mile circular route was a satisfying achievement for the ramblers, safe in the knowledge we had left the fairies happy too!