Four members of Biggar Ramblers set off from Lamington to climb up the
Easkgill Rig to reach Hardrig Head to stand alongside the many wind
turbines that make up the Clyde Wind Farm. Strong and gusty winds with
intermittent showers made scaling the 556 metre high hill top even more
challenging but rewarding. Indistinct paths and moorland Heather made
conditions underfoot quite tricky with a lot of standing water after
recent heavy rains. Standing next to these giant fans on stilts is
impressive, even more so as they whir and carve their huge fan blades
through the air. Clear views of the Pentlands and the rolling hills of
Dumfries and Galloway were augmented by the appearance of full and clear
rainbows across the sky. The route down Bent Rig and passed the
Baitlaws estate was more straightforward and sheltered. A downpour along
the home stretch ensured we were suitably drenched for the journey home
to Biggar. The group were pleased to get back to the startpoint,
satisfied in the knowledge they had enjoyed a testing ramble covering
over 7.5 miles in challenging weather conditions .