Sunday 22 October 2023

Mendick Hill, 22nd October


On a lovely sunny morning the Ramblers set out from the Golf Club to walk up Mendick Hill. The party walked along the track to the Old Roman Bridge and on to the Roman Road passing South Slipperfield. The views of the surrounding hills and countryside along this drove road were majestic. The walkers then turned right just passed Hardgatehead Cottage and with Mendick in front of them made their way to the top of the hill. There is a short but steepish climb to get to the top. The party were again rewarded with magnificent views as far as Berwick Law and the Bass Rock and of course Tinto. On either side of Mendick Hill is Ingraston Hill and Little Mendick Hill. The walkers then made their way carefully down the hill and enjoyed lunch in the sunshine before heading back along the Roman Road to the Golf Club where everyone enjoyed a well earned refreshment.