Wednesday 30 March 2016

Hamilton Hill and Heathpool Common, 30th March, 8mi SB, leader Bernard Airlie

Bernard led a group of 8 Ramblers on a beautiful walk at Peebles. The route was deceptively simple- go north along the side of Hamilton Hill to Nether Kidston, cross the Edinburgh Road, then up onto Heathpool Common and back through the woodland to the start. In fact the route covered almost 8 miles and the two hills totalled over 1600 feet of climbing! On Hamilton Hill skylarks serenaded: on Heathpool Common there were the haunting calls of curlews and an attractive copse displaying catkins of Alder and Pussy Willow. Visability was excellent; the Pentlands were very clear to the North and the snow-covered Dollar Law and Broad Law to the South. In the final hundred yards of the walk there was a bank of primroses, radiant in their fresh spring colours and the curious twee-twee-twee call of a Nuthatch in the trees. This was a stimulating walk in good company.

Saturday 26 March 2016

Dolphinton to Ferniehaugh returning by White Hill, Saturday 26th March, 4.5 miles, leader Carolyne Murray

9 Ramblers set out on a wet and windy afternoon from Kippel lay-by in Dolphinton and walked south towards the church. They took a left turn 100 yards up the road into the wood and continued round Hamel Hill to White Hill descending to Garvald and the Dunsyre Road. They then headed towards Whinney Knowe, on a very muddy path. Here they stopped to chat to some inquisitive horses! Returning to the starting point they passed twp ponds, where they saw various water fowl. This convivial walk finished at the Red Barn, where a welcome cuppa and fresh baking were much appreciated by all!

Thursday 17 March 2016

Buzzyberry Hill, Thursday 17th March, leader Pam Hart

On Thursday 17th March, in the early morning mist, fourteen Ramblers headed up the wooded track beside the new houses at Pentland Reach towards Bizzyberry Hill. Marked on the map as a fort and settlement on the two little knolls, this is a short but steep climb with rewarding views of Biggar and the surrounding area. The mist eventually cleared to reveal some of these views as the group returned to Biggar exercised and refreshed.

Sunday 13 March 2016

Easter Earshaig to Brattleburn, Sunday 13th March, leader Michael Heale

On a dry bright Sunday, 11 ramblers set off from Easter Earshaig, near Beattock, to explore the Southern Upland Way to Brattleburn. The first two miles as far as Foy's Bridge were through pleasant wooded country, but the path was very wet and boggy, providing a good test of the waterproof qualities of boots, gaiters and ramblers. The party encountered some friendly frogs together with their frogspawn in the numerous puddles. The path opened out at Foy's Bridge giving good views of the Moffat Hills. Excellent views opened up all around as they descended towards Brattleburn and more puddles and frogs were encountered on the approach to the bothy. On seeing smoke issuing from the bothy chimney it was suggested that perhaps burgers and chips were being served, and the pace quickened. But it was a group of walkers from Glasgow who were just packing up to leave. Some of the party sat comfortably in arm chairs before the stove to eat their lunch while others preferred to sit on the stony ground outside. Leaving the bothy, they took a different route back, on the way encountering a couple who were staying in a cabin on the hillside and seemed surprised to see us. An easy track led back to Rivox where they rejoined the Southern Upland Way and retraced their steps through the trees and fields and puddles back to the start. One walker characterized the experience as " Bogs, Frogs and Logs" a very fair assessment.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Braidwood,Wednesday 2nd March 2016, leader Isobel MacDonald

A group of 11 took advantage of the sunny, dry day to travel by bus to Braidwood for the 3 mile walk down Fiddlers Gill to Crossford. Using the rights of way path and its few hidden houses, the group came across workmen tidying up the ravages of the winter weather, negotiated the stile and stopped to wonder at the rusting giant telescope in the corner of the field. There was a very short stretch of tarmac before continuing on the brick and stony path, across the rushing burn, through the woods to the path with Lee Castle in the distamce to the left. From there it was a short stretch, beyond the farm and water works to the village and to lunch in Silverbirch with time to look around the centre before catching the bus back to Lanark.