Wednesday 30 March 2016

Hamilton Hill and Heathpool Common, 30th March, 8mi SB, leader Bernard Airlie

Bernard led a group of 8 Ramblers on a beautiful walk at Peebles. The route was deceptively simple- go north along the side of Hamilton Hill to Nether Kidston, cross the Edinburgh Road, then up onto Heathpool Common and back through the woodland to the start. In fact the route covered almost 8 miles and the two hills totalled over 1600 feet of climbing! On Hamilton Hill skylarks serenaded: on Heathpool Common there were the haunting calls of curlews and an attractive copse displaying catkins of Alder and Pussy Willow. Visability was excellent; the Pentlands were very clear to the North and the snow-covered Dollar Law and Broad Law to the South. In the final hundred yards of the walk there was a bank of primroses, radiant in their fresh spring colours and the curious twee-twee-twee call of a Nuthatch in the trees. This was a stimulating walk in good company.