Sunday 3 April 2016

The Falls of Clyde and New Lanark, Sunday 3rd April, 6.5 miles SC+, Walk Leader: Jan Airlie

A dreich Sunday morning did not deter 18 Biggar Ramblers from meeting at New Lanark and walking around 6.5 miles of the Falls of Clyde. The walk egan by going downstream. After a steep climb up to Castlebank Park the group admired splendid wood carvings made from fallen trees. They then proceeded to Clydesholm Bridge at Kirkfieldbank where a coffee break was taken whilst admiring the river views. Walking upstream, the weather improved and the rain stopped. A lunch break was taken at a spot overlooking Corehouse- designed by Edward Blore. Then onwards to Bonnington Linn where the falls thundered downstream. Soon Corra Castle ruins ( 15th century) were glimpsed through the trees. At the Peregrine viewpoint sad news waited. The long resident male and female Peregrine Falcons were believed to have died during the winter. Hopefully young birds will come back to roost there. The viewpoint at Corra Linn provided stunning views of the Falls. The route then followed the walkboards back to New Lanark. The birdsong was profuse the whole way. It has been a very muddy, enjoyable walk around a wondeful World Heritage Site.