Wednesday 6 April 2016

Jedburgh to Denholm, Thursday 6th April, 7.5 miles, SC+, Walk Leader: Isobel MacDonald

On Thursday 6th April nine members led by Isobel drove to Jedburgh to complete an eight mile section of the Borders Abbey Way to Denholm where they caught the bus back to the start point. The day started with clear blue skies which offered wide views over the extensive farm land into the distance as far as the Cheviots. Lunch was taken below Black Law before continuing to the half way point, the highest spot of the day at 323 meters, which gave the first view of Ruber's Law and the wooded path and farm track down to Bedrule. This craggy hill would be in constant view for the rest of the route. It is here that the weather broke and now with open fields to cross and no escape from the wet small hail and the muddy underfoot conditions although the forest after the last climb gave welcome shelter before the final descent to Denholm.