Wednesday 2 March 2016

Braidwood,Wednesday 2nd March 2016, leader Isobel MacDonald

A group of 11 took advantage of the sunny, dry day to travel by bus to Braidwood for the 3 mile walk down Fiddlers Gill to Crossford. Using the rights of way path and its few hidden houses, the group came across workmen tidying up the ravages of the winter weather, negotiated the stile and stopped to wonder at the rusting giant telescope in the corner of the field. There was a very short stretch of tarmac before continuing on the brick and stony path, across the rushing burn, through the woods to the path with Lee Castle in the distamce to the left. From there it was a short stretch, beyond the farm and water works to the village and to lunch in Silverbirch with time to look around the centre before catching the bus back to Lanark.