Monday 30 May 2016

Lesmahagow Village Walk, Wednesday 18th May 2016, 4miles, SD
Walk leader: Marion Macmillan
The last walk on the current programme for Biggar Ramblers took place on 18th May. Rain threatened as the walkers left Glebe Car Park and crossed a bridge over the Nethan, from where they walked along the old railway line, this affording fine views of the village. There was a lovely carpet of spring flowers on either side of the path. On crossing the road, the walkers made their way down the glen and arrived at a meadow, at one time the site of the Lesmahagow Show. Birkwood House could be seen through the trees and the old kitchen garden was pointed out. The Nethan was again crossed by a footbridge and a path uphill beside a small burn brought the party on to New Trows Road. A left turn took the walkers up by the Garngour, with lovely views of the village from the opposite side, and thence back to the village for sustenance at the local hostelry, from whence the return to the car park was by McKirdy Park and along the River Nethan.

Uamh Bheag and Beinn nan Eun , Saturday 14th may 2016, 10miles, SB+
Walk Leader: Brian Henry
One of the final walks on the Biggar Ramblers spring program was the three 2,000ft hills of Glen Artney in Perthshire. On the beautiful day that 14th May turned out to be 4 of the regular ramblers met near the Auchnashelloch church in Glen Artney. Brian led the small group on a gentle stroll westwards along the road to the Water of Ruchill bridge and then turned up beside the river and then up the course of Allt Ollach. A convenient bridge led to the base of Am Beannan which was a challenge under even these good conditions; but all the way up the views into the highlands improved with Beinn Ghlas and Ben Lawers coming into view and then Stuc a'Chroin and Ben Vorlich appearing which became a constant scene throughout the walk.

Before the first 2,000 foot summit was reached lunch was a relaxed affair in the shelter of Meall Clachach. Then the summit of Uamh Bheag was reached with everybody smiling at the 'face' on the old fence post -Bart is still in good condition considering his exposure. Then it was into the land of the peat hags. The deepest found which could only be walked around was over 12 feet deep. Thereafter it was a case of walking around, but mostly into the peat hags as the dry conditions made them easily passable without sinking deep. Up and over Beinn Odhar led to a change in the ground conditions. The erosion of the peat hags was such that the base was either tufted grass or stony making walking easy. The ascent to the final summit of Beinn nan Uen was in a peat hag which acted as a tunnel all the way to the summit. From the summit the walk took the group out of the peat hags, sighting a herd of red deer and several red kites circling above, down into the Finghu Glen and back to the church car park.

Spring Flowers Walk, Thursday 15th May 2016
Walk Leader: Pam Hart

15 Ramblers followed the path from Kingsmeadow car park on the south side of Peebles, crossing the bridge over the River Tweed on to the north bank of the river, past the weir and on towards Neidpath Castle. After passing below the spectacular castle, the river was crossed again by Manor bridge, on to the south bank, through some woodland and back to the car park. This was a short walk to appreciate spring flowers such as bluebells, wood anemones, march marigolds, dog's mercury and butterbur. Goosander and mallard floated serenely past, black headed gulls courted noisily in flight while sand martins busily dug out their burrows in the river bank. Willow warblers, robins and wrens sang from hidden branches, all adding up to a delightful walk in spring sunshine