Wednesday 29 June 2016

Red Bing, Peat Pond and forest walk- Walk Leader-Agnes Gracie-4 miles,SC
On the 2nd of June 15 walkers left Forth Sports Centre and walked towards Heathland Forrest and The Red Bing where some of the more adventurous climbed to the top and were rewarded with great views of Black Mount and the surrounding area. We then crossed the busy A702 heading towards the derelict building that was the old store that served the community of Wilsontown Ironworks. After crossing the river Moose we passed the old Forkens mine before heading to the peat pond. Unfortunately we were disappointed as  there were no dragonflies to be seen except the pattern on Cathy's socks. After passing through the iron gates we continued through Wilsontown before heading back to Forth for tea and scones.

Dollar Law-  Walk Leader Brian Henry-10 miles, SB+
Five of Biggar Ramblers set out on Sunday 12th June to walk the hills at the head of the Manor Valley. Starting at Kirkhope Cottage the group walked on the road to turn off into the path to Megget Reservoir. Passing locations with names of Redsike Head and Foulbrig the highest point of the path was reached and then it was through the heather and peat hags to reach the top of Greenside Law at 643m (2,110 feet). Crossing over to the other side the group reached the track which links to Thief's Road that has its start in the Pentland Hills. Following this track passing Notman Law and Fifescar Knowe the summit of Dollar Law was found to be in cloud with no views to be seen. Dollar Law is the highest hill in the Scottish Borders region at 817m (2680 feet) but is only classed as a Donald as it does not meet the criteria for a Graham or Corbett. The descent was northwards towards the Manor Valley passing the St. Gordian's cross on the way and returning to Kirkhope Cottage.