Tuesday 7 August 2018

Biggar Ramblers 11th July 2018          Yarrowford and Minchmoor Road

As they followed in the footsteps of history, near perfect conditions gave Biggar Ramblers an excellent walk on Wednesday. Venturing slightly further afield, the group began their walk in Yarrowford, near Selkirk and quickly joined the Cross Borders Drove Road known as Minchmoor Road. This old byway is one of the oldest east-west routes in Scotland, the Yarrowford variant recorded on maps dating to 1752 although believed to be much older. The Earl of Montrose is believed to have retreated along the track to Peebles after his defeat to the Covenanters at Philiphaugh in 1645. It provided a delightful means of ascent to where the drove road intersects the Southern Upland Way. Here the group turned east to complete the ascent of Brown Knowe (523m) crossing another historical feature - Wallace's Trench - in the process. The effort was rewarded by a spectacular views across the Tweed valley, the Borders and towards Galloway.
A delightful stroll along the Way followed, the Eildon hills always in view, until a path heading south began the descent towards Broadmeadow, the first Scottish YHA created in 1931 ( but now a private house). The path continued in dappled shade alongside the burn as it descended gently to the road and back to the village.