Tuesday 7 August 2018

They got soaked- On Wednesday evening, 1st August, sixteen Biggar Ramblers met up at Candybank for a 'bring a dish' meal. This was to be preceded by a short walk up the nearby Broomy Law first visiting the recently refurbished 'cattle creep' under the A702. Twelve hardy souls 'volunteered' for the walk despite the rain teeming down!
They walked from Candybank up the road to Edmunston House. James Whitson had given permission for them to access the 'cattle creep' from his grounds. They looked briefly at the ruins of the old castle that was original fortified residence before the present 'big house' was built in 1815. Once they had accessed the fields of Brownsbank Farm they made their way to the farm access road abandoning the Broomy Law target and headed back past the 'writer's cottage' ( Hugh MacDiarmid's former residence). The cottage looks in rather a sorry state at the moment. The call of a lovely buffet meal was getting stronger as the walkers were all getting wetter!
Once back the splendid food and convivial atmosphere didn't disappoint. Thanks are due to everyone for their gastronomic contributions. A lovely meal tastes even better after a good soaking.
John Hart