Sunday 10 March 2019

Biggar Ramblers ‘ Walk on Sunday 3rd March in the Stobo area had a 
historical theme.The Walk began at Dawyck Mill Farm .From here the group 
climbed steadily up to 1400 feet. There were lovely views of the hills all 
around, and to Stobo Castle. On reaching Dead Wives Grave a coffee stop as 
taken. There is no grave here, but on the South Gate pillar is the 
inscription ‘Dead Wife’ . After the Battle of Philiphaugh at Selkirk in 1645 
many Irish soldiers in Montrose’s army and their women camp followers were 
slaughtered . One woman was found by the wayside , this may be a memorial to 
her . The location of the Parish Boundaries of Manor, Stobo and Drumelzier 
is also at this point. The walkers then descended in sunshine and wind to a 
larch wood, much lower down. Here they saw a well hidden stone plaque on a 
wall marking the site of a World War One Prisoner of War Camp. Her more than 
100 German prisoners from submarines were held captive. Their job was to 
fell trees for the trenches. In 1916, Clement Bryce Gunn (1860-1933) the 
Peebles doctor who visited the camp once a week noted that the  guards were 
much older and frailer than the prisoners. This was because all the fit 
young men were away at war. Afterwards, lunch was taken in brilliant 
sunshine before returning to the cars, watched by a line of curious cows ! 
This short 5 mile walk with 13 participants was led by Jan Airlie.