Sunday 10 March 2019

Walk report: Thursday, 15th November

 The rains eased, clouds parted, the sky turned blue. The walk leader, however, was quickly disabused of any claims to being Ra, the Sun God, as Biggar Ramblers set off on a delightful November walk. Starting by the Tweed in Peebles, the group left the town by way of the playing fields before ascending the pleasant path leading up Janet’s Brae towards the Buzzard’s Nest car park. They pondered a while as to why the brae is named for Janet on the way up but Jenny on the way down. The views along the valley were spectacular. Skirting the car park they found the trail which descends towards the Glentress amenities. A sunny stop for lunch looking back over Peebles interrupted the descent before continuing to the path passing the remains of Horsburgh castle. Down to the banks of the river and a walk through the woods parallel to the railway path led eventually back to the town.