Monday 24 May 2021

 On 15th May 7 members of Biggar Ramblers started out from Eddleston to climb Dundriech. The climb went up through Portmore estate with views overlooking the house and gardens. Entering the woodland the group took the track to Northshield Rings which none of the walkers visited before. After a coffee break overlooking the Pentlands to the north and Peebles hills to the south they continued to Portmore Loch to start the ascent of Dundriech. It was on this part of the walk that a locked gate was found and each had to climb over; a stile would have overcome this difficulty. Lunch was called just before the summit to avoid cooling too much on the exposed top; it also kept the summit clear should other walkers happen by. At the summit there was time to take in the views picking out the Lomond Hills and Tinto, Broad Law and other Border hills. The ascent was straightforward passing Boreland, Skiprig and Grove Bank.