Sunday 9 May 2021

 Biggar Ramblers members had a very enjoyable walk in the spring sunshine on Wednesday the 28th of April.

Included in the 14 participants, the Ramblers were happy to welcome back members from the Borders now that Covid19 regulations allow.This was a 2 part walk, the main walk being 5 1/2 mile circuit from Garrion Bridge to the ruin of Cambunesthan Priory. The first part of the walk took the group past woodlands which abounded with bluebells.Whilst admiring these a pair of deer were spotted grazing not far from the path. On reaching the Priory they were given some historical background information before examining the remains of the WW2 Nisan Hut which is quite well hidden nearby.

A tea break beside the ruin allowed time to appreciate the old building, then the walkers proceeded through farmland, down towards the Clyde for the return path back to Garrion Bridges garden centre for refreshments.

The second part of the walk was a short but challenging climb up from Sandiholms garden centre to the Threepwood caves. The stone excavated from the caves are reputed to have been used to build Hamilton Palace. Five Ramblers scrambled and climbed over and under the many fallen trees to visit the caves which all agreed were well worth it.