Sunday 7 November 2021

 On 10th October Biggar Ramblers undertook one of Ramblers UK routes. This took in the hills of Hundleshope Heights, Preston Law and Newby Kipps. Starting at the entrance to Haystoun the 5 walkers walked through the estate on the route to Hundleshope Heights. Passing 2 old settlements ( coffee break in at the second) the route was on a well-defined track over Dead Side to a lunch spot before reaching the summit. The chosen lunch spot was inside  a grouse butt sheltered from the chilling strong wind. Then it was onto the summit of Hundleshope Heights and good views to the surrounding hills despite the low cloud. The route was then northwards over the Preston Law to pick up another track leading to Newby Kipps overlooking Peebles. The descent was quite steep to walk through to the farm and back out through Haystoun.