Sunday 7 November 2021

 Despite heavy rain overnight 6 ramblers met at Dunsyre on the morning of October 27th to walk to the Covenanter's grave. Before the walk started they heard some of the history of the Covenanters. The drawing up of the national Covenant in 1638 which led to violent unrest for most of the 17th century, Dunsyre was a great covenanting area. They started the walk near the cultivation terraces on the road to Easton Farm and followed the farm track crossing two very deep and fast flowing fords to the base of Black law. Before climbing the hill they heard of a Covenanter fleeing from the Battle of Rullion Green near Penicuik. He was badly wounded but managed to make his way to the Dunsyre hills. he was found by a shepherd called Adam Sanderson. Knowing he was dying he asked the shepherd to bury him in sight of the Ayrshire hills. Sanderson carried out the covenanter's wish and erected a stone which is now in Blackmount Church. The present stone was erected in 1841.

Until now the weather had been very pleasant and they were rewarded with fantastic views although the moor and the hills around were very bleak, as they started climbing the hill the wind and rain set in. They had a brief visit to the stone, the area is very atmospheric in all weathers but they did not see the Ayrshire hills. They decided to head down the hill and found several grouse butts which made nice shelters for a short lunch by which time the rain had passed. They returned to the cars by the same track and managed to finish the walk before the rain set in in earnest. An enjoyable walk of about 8 miles.