Monday 16 January 2023

 A group of 7 walkers from Biggar Ramblers met in Peebles to walk the very popular route from

Peebles to Lyne Station and back. The original route was to be out on the north side and back on
the south and transiting the railway tunnel to return to Peebles. However due to heavy rain at the
start of the walk the leader decided to reverse the route and gain some shelter by going out through the tunnel. A good decision as the rain had eased somewhat when the group emerged back into daylight. The route continued to Manor Bridge and a coffee stop was taken under the arches on the south side. Then the walk continued past Barns House and Tower to come to the
pedestrian bridge at Lyne Station. A picnic bench here provided the ideal opportunity
for lunch. The return route was on the old railway track until the viaduct where the group descended to the riverside and continued past Neidpath castle to come into Hay Lodge Park to end the 8 mile walk. On the walk flocks of long-tailed tits were seen at 3 locations, after Manor Bridge, at Lyne Station river crossing and adjacent to Neidpath Castle. Also dippers were seen in the fast-flowing Tweed and a buzzard could be heard calling.