Monday 16 January 2023

 Ten members of the Biggar Ramblers travelled up the Ayr valley to Kames on 29th October to complete a circular 6 mile walk up Cairn Table. Although they left the car park in dry weather the rain soon began to fall, lightly at first. The ground conditions were already very wet and muddy following recent downfalls, but they continued up the steady incline taking a quick coffee at the point called ‘the Steel’. The group then ascended to the top against brisk winds, taking brief shelter against the towering Cairn, a memorial to those who gave their lives in WW1 from the Muirkirk area. Heading down the south west slope of the hill was tricky due to the rocky and slippery path. Taking a quick stop for lunch in a sheltered hollow, they managed to negotiate the hazardous conditions down to the more sheltered tracks used by miners over the last two centuries. Passing the cairn to the road builder John ‘Tar’ McAdam, the ramblers returned to the start point, wet and windswept, but satisfied that they had completed a significant challenge. Notwithstanding the inclement weather the group had enjoyed great views over the Ayr Valley and the former industrial archeological landscape of Muirkirk and surrounding area.