Monday 16 January 2023

 Traditionally the last walk of the year for the Biggar Ramblers is know as “The Mince Pie Walk”. On this occasion the walk was at Penicuik House. It was a beautiful day and they started the walk at Alderbank which is beside the South Kirk in Penicuik. They followed the track uphill and then along the ridge which gave them fantastic views of the Pentlands which were covered in snow and looking lovely in shades of pink. As they followed this track they saw the Penicuik Estate spread out below, the track then went downhill through some woods where the trees still had golden and rust coloured leaves and a rushing stream to the left.

At the bottom just before crossing the bridge they met some very friendly Highland cows who seemed to enjoy having their photo taken. Then it was uphill again passing the curling pond where only a few days earlier the walk leader had seen members of the Penicuik Curling Club preparing the ice for curling.

The Ramblers managed to find some seats in the sun overlooking the fields to enjoy some homemade mince pies.

They returned to the track through the Chinese Gate and down a slippery path which then returned to Penicuik.

Despite the path being a bit slippery in places they enjoyed the walk and wished each other a very Happy Christmas.