Monday 16 January 2023

In November a group of nine Biggar Ramblers enjoyed a varied 6 mile Autumn walk
around the picturesque town of Moffat. They started from the Ram statue in the high street, and
walked north out of the town past the site of a 300 room hydropathic hotel, destroyed by fire in
1921, and through community owned woodland by Gallows Hill. After walking along a section of

forestry track, the group turned off and climbed up and over Hind Hill, stopping at the summit to admire views of the Devil’s Beeftub and Annandale. They then followed waymarkers down the hillside to a track which led past Moffat Well, the source of the water that established Moffat as a Spa resort. The final section involved following a fast flowing burn back to Moffat and enjoying lunch in a local cafĂ© before heading home.